Dr Steven Ward FCIOB
RSS18404 Lean Expert
Steven is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building and holds a doctorate in civil engineering. His research examines critical success factors for the application of lean thinking within the construction sector.
In 1998, working for a Main Contractor he led Lean Construction pilot projects resulting in 30% lead time reductions. In 2004, he joined the BRE’s Construction Lean Improvement Programme, helping them to develop and deliver this initiative which led to savings of £42mil. In 2009 Steve worked as the academic supervisor for a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with a public sector organisation. The three year KTP resulted in a five-fold increase in profit against a static turnover, an “outstanding” classification from the Technology Strategy Board and a best of the best finalist. In 2018 he helped the first company in the world achieve certification to the new Lean Standard ISO18404.
He understands the industry at every level and has utilised this knowledge to help many organisations successfully apply lean thinking to the design, construction and maintenance of the built environment. Steven is at home both in the boardroom and at the coalface, helping provide both a strategic steer and practical help with the deployment of Lean business improvement.